Not Your Accountant’s Software

Most trucking software is written from the accountant’s point of view. I always found this to be very confusing. Basically they take an accounting program and modify it to work for trucking companies. If you don’t have an accounting background it is very difficult to...

Fuel Taxes By State: A Comparison

A few years back, when gasoline prices were hitting the four-dollar mark for the first time ever, some grassroots movements began campaigning to remove fuel taxes to alleviate citizens. For some people, this was the first time they’d heard of a tax on gasoline and...

What to Expect from an FMCSA Compliance Review

Any company fears inspections, but with new fines and safety measures, an FMCSA Compliance Review can especially terrify a trucking outfit. Governmental regulations and standards are in place to protect employees and companies, but even the most dutiful businesses...

Is It Time To Add Trucks?

Is it time to add trucks? Trucking companies are always trying to figure out when it is a good time to add trucks to the fleet.  If you are an owner operator or the owner of a small trucking fleet then I think that you are in trucking at the right time.  Every...

The Cards Are Stacked Against You

Rough road… In today’s trucking industry it sure seems like the cards are stacked against you as an independent owner/operator.  It always seems like freight rates are going down and expenses are going up.  In today’s troubled economy it seems tougher than ever before...

News From the Development Team 7-5-11

Recent Updates: Recently we added a lot of upgrades to our reporting section.  We have added more detail and statistics to the company overview report.  We added a breakdown of miles driven on the miles report.  Now you can not only see the total miles by...

Outage Summary

What Happened? Users of TruckingOffice where unable to enter dispatches in the system for new routes on the morning of July 5th. Users received a variety of errors. Our system staff started getting alerts from the application that something was wrong as well. Why Did...
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