The Road Check Is Coming

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance has scheduled its annual Roadcheck on June 3 to June 5.  Nearly 10,000 inspectors will spread out from Alaska to Mexico to examine trucks at 1,500 locations. The purpose of these inspections is to check on compliance to the...

We’ve got your new tax guy!

Can you believe it’s tax time again? Are you sick of over-paying your income taxes year after stinkin’ year? And are you REALLY tired of listening to the driver in the next booth at the truckstop tell his friend how little he’s paying in taxes — and you KNOW...

Are Your Trucks Ready For Winter?

We got our first snow on the ground today in Canton, Ohio.  Winter always has a way of creeping up on us.  Are your trucks ready for winter? Here’s a list of a few things that you should check on your trucks before it gets really cold. Check your anti-freeze in...

Exporting Your TruckingOffice Data

Can I export my data after I enter it in TruckingOffice? Yes.  All of the reports at TruckingOffice export to spreadsheets.  It is import to be able to save certain information like IFTA records for auditing purposes.  That’s why we make it easy to work with....

Premium Routing and IFTA Compliance

We are always working to make TruckingOffice better for you.  We recently added some premium routing features from PC*Miler that include: maps, driving directions, street level routing, and the ability to email them to a driver. Driving directions to the shipper and...

What to Include in IFTA Reports

Filling out IFTA reports is probably the least favorite chore that comes with being a professional driver.  The most important part of the task is making sure that all essential information is included.  So here’s a quick look at what your reports need to contain: The...

Essential Parts of Your Driving Logbook

Understanding a driving logbook is one of the key skills of a successful trucker.  In this article we’ll look at the various log-keeping duties that you will be responsible for. The Basics The basic contents of a logbook include the following: The carrier’s name The...

Expense Reports Software Simplifies Your Life

One of the most common mistakes businesses make is confusing revenue with profit.  It’s all-too-easy to do.  A big settlement from a client comes in and all of the sudden you remember that fishing rod, stereo component, or item of clothing you’ve had your eye on for a...

Getting Ready for MATS 2013!

We will be at MATS (Mid-American Truck Show) again this year working with our partners at Getloaded and FreightCheck.  We have joined forces to become the Hauling Heroes – a unified solution for your trucking success.  At MATS this year we will be showing off...

How to Choose a Tax Preparer for Truckers

Think – Who did your income taxes last year? Did they give you good service? Were you happy with the result? Did they even KNOW trucker taxes? Over a year ago, the TruckingOffice team made a commitment to go beyond simply providing the very best bookkeeping and record...
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