If you’re new to trucking, you’re learning a lot of the shorthand terms we use for equipment and taxes we have to pay. IFTA is the International Fuel Tax. HVUT is the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. ELD is the Electronic Logging Device. HOS is Hours of Service. SOL is… well, look that one up. ELog may be a term you’ve found on the net.

What’s an ELOG?
ELOG is another term for ELD. That’s not much help, is it? 😆
Electronic Logging Devices have two nicknames: ELD and ELOG. They’re the same thing. So if you’re finding one more than other and getting confused, thinking you need both, let us assure you that you don’t.
Either of them do the same thing: track the hours that a truck is moving or a driver is at work. Because sometimes a truck isn’t moving, but the driver is considered on duty. For example, in the loading yard, a trucker might be asleep in the bunk, or may be handing the business of the delivery. That’s why the ELD and ELog equipment have options for the driver to indicate what they’re doing if the truck isn’t moving.
ELD Meaning for Truckers
Did you see the recent report about a trucker who ignored their HOS restrictions and ended up 3 killing people? The company told the trucker to ignore their HOS limits and found a way to cheat the system.
Hours of service rules were imposed on the trucking industry because truckers are motivated to drive unsafely to get more deliveries done more quickly. They drive longer than is safe. Some take drugs to stay awake. In the end, the laws of physics apply to trucking accidents: the people in the smaller car are more likely to be injured or hurt in an accident with a truck because trucks are bigger.
It’s accidents like this one – where the ELog was doctored and the HOS ignored that lead to the government talking about more ELD requirements.
ELogs aren’t meant to ruin a trucker’s profit margin. They’re meant to make the roads safer.

TruckingOffice ELog or TruckingOffice ELD?
Which do you want?
That’s a trick question. 😉 They’re the same thing.
So if you’re looking for an ELD system that
- is easy to install
- simple to use
- integrates with a trucking management system for the most accurate records
- protects your data
then TruckingOffice ELD is the tool you need.
If you’re looking for an ELog system that will
- accurately record your HOS
- provide the most accurate IFTA report to avoid over- or underpaying the taxes
- keeps the price low by letting you use your own phone or tablet
then the TruckingOffice ELD is still for you. But you can call it an ELog if you want. We’ll know what you’re talking about.😂
Check out TruckingOffice’s ELD and TMS together!
Use a trucking management software for your owner-operator or small fleet trucking business to maximize your trucking data. Our Trucker Stats™ will show you how to become more profitable and help you control your expenses. Give us a call today to find out how TruckingOffice can help you!
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