Do your trucking management software statistics help you or bother you? Do you even look at your trucking management software statistics?
Does your trucking software even produce any stats for you?
Why you need trucking management software statistics
You can’t improve if you can’t measure. People who study industry have been saying this for 100 years. But trucking doesn’t have many obvious metrics that apply across the different types of trucking businesses. How do you compare a cross-country long-distance trucking company with one that handles drayage, moving freight from one transportation system to another?
And the width of the numbers that trucking companies have to consider! We are paid per mile, but we pay many of our expenses per month (like loan payments) or semi-annually (like insurance coverage.) How do you do that math?
If your trucking software isn’t computing all those numbers together, then you’re not going to get an accurate picture of how your company is doing. Trucker stats are the single best way to assess your trucking company. But most trucking company software systems don’t provide you with a complete picture.

Most trucking management software statistics aren’t narrow enough to give an owner operator a good idea of what’s going on in their trucking company. Revenue per load? Well, that’s not hard. It’s what you were paid for the load. But what about revenue per month? How else can you be sure that you’re making enough money per month to cover all of the monthly expenses? Expenses per load? Easy. But what if you looked at expenses for the year instead? You might find some recurring problems that otherwise would slide under the radar.
Converting per Mile to per Month
These conversions can be complicated mathematically. Especially if you want to change the date range of the computation, or maybe consider just certain equipment, not the entire fleet then essentially, you have to start the problem all over again.
And isn’t that why computers were invented, anyway? To make the math simpler? Give the computer all the data and it can slice and dice it and put it back together in the way we need it.
What if your trucking business software isn’t programmed to do that? What if you decide you need to know these numbers and your computer software for your trucking business can’t do it for you?
As we like to say around here: TruckingOffice makes it easy.
We have already programmed these complicated formulas into our trucking management software. Statistics are available at the touch of a button.
You don’t have to re-enter any data. All the information from every dispatch is already in the system. As you add your expenses – maintenance, on-the-road fees, taxes – the program has the data it needs to compute any Trucker Stat™ from our menu in less than a minute.
TruckingOffice Trucking Management Software
Using a single trucking management software package gives the independent owner operator the same benefits that big trucking companies have in expensive software solutions. TruckingOffice offers the best options for the solo trucker. We’ve got affordable trucking management software that handles everything. TruckingOffice PRO makes your life easier and managing your business smoother by helping you handle your tasks better and faster:
- dispatches
- routing
- invoice generation and tracking
- expense management
- IFTA and IRP
- maintenance
- Trucker Stats™– reports to show the state of your trucking business.
Combined with the TruckingOffice ELD, you’ve got everything you need to build a successful trucking business – even from the cab of your truck.
Contact us today to learn how TruckingOffice PRO can help you avoid loads that cost you money to deliver and to discover what equipment is the most profitable for you.
Can you please provide information about cost of the software?
Check out the trucking software pricing here, then get the FREE TRIAL here.