Do you worry about paying your IFTA taxes?  What about OVER-paying your IFTA taxes?  A miles by state calculator can help with your IFTA tax reporting.  It can save you endless headaches when dealing with fuel taxes, ensuring that you never overpay or file late again.

Our Miles by State Calculator: How it Works

TruckingOffice PRO is tied into the PC*Miler® network. It uses state-of-the-art GPS technology to calculate every mile you drive.  When you need the IFTA report, TruckingOffice will organize that information by state, and automatically total the fuel taxes due in each jurisdiction. Long hours bent over your kitchen table? Not anymore.

What does this mean for you? Simply the following:

  • Our miles by state calculator will keep your IFTA tax reporting records organized automatically.
  • You’ll pay your taxes on time every quarter with to-the-penny accuracy; never too much or too little.
  • TruckingOffice keeps your information stored online.  It’s safe from hard drive crashes, data thieves,  and disasters like losing your smartphone.
  • TruckingOffice will dramatically lower your risk of an audit. But should an audit occur, you’ll be ready to show the examiner.

In addition to our miles by state calculator and other IFTA tax reporting features, you’ll also enjoy these added benefits:

  • The power to create and manage dispatches and invoices.
  • Access to records that show every bit of information you need to run your business successfully.
  • Automatic reminders when it’s time to perform maintenance or handle other important tasks.

Why not take TruckingOffice for a free test drive starting today? With its miles by state calculator and IFTA tax reporting software features, you’ll soon wonder how you ever got along without it.

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