Is it that hard to choose the best ELD for trucks? If you’re an independent owner operator, or a small fleet manager, it can be hard. Not because there aren’t any choices, but because there are so many. What exactly does an independent truck driver need for an ELD (electronic logging device) or E-Log?
Simply put – they need compliance to the ELD Mandate.
In 2017, the ELD mandated by the FMCSA went into effect after years of fighting and disagreements about what it did and how it worked. Companies rushed in to build a variety of different configurations. ELDs were hardwired to the truck. Some of the used Bluetooth. Some were adaptations of what the big trucking companies were already using to track their fleet.
Best ELD for Trucks Meets Compliance Standards
When the standards came out, ELD producers were required to self-certify that they met the requirements.
It’s been a hot minute. Some of them haven’t gone the distance. Every few months, you hear about some ELD product that has been removed from the approved list for a reason (that sometime is not explained.) Or newer products don’t meet the standards.
So it’s important to keep up on your ELD or E-log equipment. You can check out the FMCSA’s list here.
Best E-Log Meets Your Standards
You have to be able to use a product. It’s that simple. Getting an ELD that’s complicated is not required. Using an E-Log that makes you spend too much time defaulting back to paper records is… Ok, I’m gonna say it. Stupid. Why would you depend on an ELECTRONIC logbook device that doesn’t work?
Then there’s the bells and whistles.
If you’re an owner operator and you drive your own rig – you don’t need location tracking. You can do that for yourself.
Big logistics companies want extra features that are above and beyond compliance.
So some companies provide an E-Log for big companies. Their prices are high. Their contracts aren’t flexible.

What Do You Need?
The Best ELD has 5 parts:
- FMCSA compliant
- no contracts
- low cost
- easy to install
- easy to use
If you look at the list on the FMCSA website, there are dozens of compliant ELD products for you to choose from.
But that “no contract” part is harder to find. Most ELD companies will sign you onto a year’s contract immediately. Locked in, you’re stuck with that equipment and service whether it works for you or not.
Costs range up and down. It depends on what you’re looking at to know if what they offer has value to you. Seeing things that don’t make sense for your single-truck trucking business should make you reconsider that package. It’s better to compare similar products to see who costs more and what your hard-earned dollars are buying.
In the end, cost may be king, but ease of use is queen (and you know the queen is always right.) No matter how economical an E-Log looks, if it’s not easy to install or use, you’ll regret that purchase. Do you want to be locked into a long-term contract with a product that is hard to use?
TruckingOffice ELD Offers What You Need
How to choose the best ELD for trucks? Get the best ELD devices for truckers.
You’re the one using the product.
TruckingOffice ELD has been FMCSA compliant from 2017. We developed our ELD with the single trucker in mind. No bells, no whistles. Just a simple, easy-to-install and easy-to-use system for your truck. No contract is required. And you’ll be pleasantly surprised by our monthly price – no $$$ per month from TruckingOffice
When you’re ready to go for the best ELD for trucks, you need to look at TruckingOffice ELD. You’ll be glad you did.

I’m looking to purchase a truck in a few months, I’ll definitely check you guys out first
We appreciate that, and we look forward to doing business with you. Low cost compliance and an easy to use app makes the TruckingOffice ELD an easy choice for owner operators and fleet builders.
Would Like to get more information on your ELDS I have 4 trucks as of right now
We would be happy to answer all of your questions about the TruckingOffice ELD. For quick response please email our support team at Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.