Do you hate doing the same work over and over? We do too. That’s why we take the dispatch and routing information when a load is entered into TruckingOffice PRO and use it over and over for you. Instead of asking your data entry to be redone for each task, you can get these reports done in seconds, including IRP (what is an irp)and IFTA. That’s not all the numbers you need. To build a successful trucking business, you also need your Trucker Stats™.

Miles Per State

There are two critical expenses that truckers have to track based on the miles per state. IFTA, the International Fuel Tax Agreement, is a tax based on miles per state for the fuel you didn’t purchase in that state. IRP is the International Reciprocity Plan that covers license plates per state. All these fees/taxes are supposed to cover the road maintenance for each state.

Preparing either of these forms (and paying for them) used to take hours. Owner operators would have to take a day off the road to do the computations and hope they’d done them right with the correct tax rates. Fleet managers had to hire staff to manage these taxes.

In short, IFTA and IRP were expensive to manage. But with computers and systems like TruckingOffice PRO where the tax rates are updated regularly, a trucker can get those tax reports done in seconds. Literally seconds. From the cab. At a delivery dock. With TruckingOffice PRO, IRP and IFTA are simple and fast.

You Need Your Trucker Stats ™ Numbers

Just like the IRP and IFTA reports, Trucker Stats™ take the same numbers and crunch them in different ways.

So what? you may ask. You can do that too, right? Just pull out a spreadsheet and take the numbers and…

These calculations aren’t always that simple. Sure, revenue per load is simple. It’s what you’re paid. But profit per mile? Is it as simple as dividing the number of miles into the revenue per mile? Not quite. You have to include all those extra expenses, including your IFTA and IRP fees. Which maybe you haven’t paid yet.

In other words – Trucker Stats™ aren’t easy, but they are vital. Trying to compute them on a spreadsheet will take hours of data entry, programming, and creating a report.

Why do you need them?

  1. So, you know if you should take a load at the offered price. Too often, brokers offer loads at prices below the cost of operations of your shipping company. They expect a trucker to take loads that don’t even cover the cost of fuel. If you know your value and the costs of your operation, you won’t take loads at a loss any longer.
  2. Know where the money is going. Maybe you’ll discover who your best driver is. Maybe you’ll discover how to manage cash flow, so you won’t have to depend on factoring services. Trucker Stats™ takes all your data and gives you a variety of reports to understand your trucking business in-depth, not just based on how much money is in the checking account this month.
  3. Have a look at the trend in your business. Is it time to expand? Or it is time to pivot? Is your trucking business aligning with the national numbers coming out of the ATRI report about how much it costs to run a trucking business?

What’s Your Time Worth?

As truckers or fleet managers, we tend to think about how much a mile is worth.

But we also need to think about our time. (We think about it when detention fees come into play, right?)

To figure out your Trucker Stats™, you’re going to have to take a lot of time off the road. Do double data entry. Hope you’ve got the right numbers and haven’t transposed any.

Or you can use TruckingOffice PRO and get all these numbers at no extra cost. You get IFTA prep and IRP prep reports in seconds. Your driver pays, invoices, and maintenance records are all managed by TruckingOffice PRO, a complete trucking management software for owner operators or small fleets. You don’t pay more for the extras. TruckingOffice PRO does it all for you.

Too good to be true? Can’t be that easy? You’ve got questions? We’ve got a free trial for you to discover everything that TruckingOffice PRO offers. Check it out today!

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