One of the main reasons for self-auditing a driver logbook is to catch bad habits before they turn into fines, tickets, or even accidents.  Despite your best efforts, though, sometimes bad things happen anyway.  So, in this post, let’s look at what you should do if one of your trucks is involved in a wreck.

Your major concern is looking for signs that the driver has falsified records.  This will give you a chance to prepare for the DOT auditors, as well as any attorneys that get involved.  Some common warning signs include:

  1. Too many miles, not enough time – for example, if the driver logbook shows the employee covering 400 miles in three hours, then you know something is up.
  2. Non-current record of duty status – lawyers know that if a trucker’s duty status isn’t current, then he or she probably has two log books: one for the officials and one for private reference.  As the driver’s employer, you should know as well.
  3. Identical entries – one of the great things about trucking is its variety.  A driver might deliver a load of furniture to Seattle one day and pick up a trailer filled of electronics in Portland 48 hours later.  That’s why one of the most common signs of a falsified driver logbook is when the truckers makes the same stops, at the same times, week after week.
  4. No off-duty time recorded – if there’s no record of pre- or post-trip inspections, for example, then either the driver is falsifying records or simply not performing the inspections.  Neither of those is a good habit to get into, which is why you should know if the records only show driving time.
  5. Mismatched team logbooks – this is perhaps the most common way that unethical drivers get caught.  Be especially on the lookout for duty gaps or overlaps.  This is a sure sign that something is up.

Of course, the best way to avoid auditing disasters is to make sure they never happen in the first place.  That’s why you need TruckingOffice in your corner.  Our software gives you the power to stay on top of everything going on in your business, so you can spot problems before they get out of control.  Prove to yourself how good it is by taking it for a free 30-day test drive starting today.

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