Keeping on top of Interstate Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) matters can be a real pain in the neck, especially with pencil and paper. That’s why we’re so excited about the IFTA reporting software features in TruckingOffice. They take the hassles away, while making sure you never over- or under-pay your obligations again. Here are some of the many features you’ll enjoy:
- Easy dispatch entry screens
- All miles calculated automatically by PC*Miler
- Miles are recorded and sorted by state automatically
- Easy fuel entry screens
- Fuel gallons sorted and reported by state automatically
- IFTA reporting tools with mileage and gallons by state totalled automatically – NO MATH
- Easily update, edit, and manage all IFTA records
- Increase accuracy of your IFTA tax reporting – don’t over pay
- Saves valuable time
- Eliminate worrying about an IFTA audit
- Prevent most audits
- If you do have an audit it will go much quicker and easier with accurate records
- Enjoy the confidence that comes from having your IFTA records under control
TruckingOffice saves time, prevents mistakes, and gives you peace of mind that your IFTA matters are squared away. Our IFTA software also lessens the odds that you’ll be audited, but if you are, TruckingOffice helps ensure things will go smoothly. Plus, you’ll have all the records you need to prove you paid every penny owed.
Enjoy the Freedom of Having No Disks and No Downloads to Worry About
With other types of software, you have to worry about installation disks or downloads. Using these programs comes with risk, as well as:
- Danger of losing information due to computer problems
- Infecting your PC with viruses
- Lost, stolen, or damaged disks
- Software becoming out-of-date or inoperative
- Can’t access records from other computers or devices
You’ll have none of these problems when you use TruckingOffice. Your data is accessible from wherever you have Internet access, information is backed up multiple times, and our IFTA preparation software stays up-to-date all the time. Nothing could be simpler or more reliable than our dispatching software.
We’re so sure you’ll love TruckingOffice we’ll let you try it free for 30 days; no credit card or checking account information needed. So take it for a test drive today!